Standardized Testing-test prep, ACT/SAT
1. What tests are required when applying to colleges? Most schools require either the ACT (American College Testing) or SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test). If a student takes both, then some schools may want to see the scores from all the times that the student took the tests.
2. What is the PSAT? The PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test) is usually taken by Juniors in October of Junior year and some schools also require sophomores to take it. The Junior year PSAT scores are important because National Merit Scholarships are based upon them.
3. How do I prepare for these tests? Your high school may offer prep courses or you can take courses through various companies. It’s best to take a prep course in the summer before junior year, especially prior to taking the PSAT, if you have already taken Algebra 2.
4. Is there a fee to take these exams? Yes, the ACT and SAT have fees. The PSAT does not. If you are eligible to receive Free Lunch, you may qualify to receive fee waivers to pay for the exams. Speak to your guidance counselor. 5. Some schools are now “test-optional”. So do I have to take either SAT or ACT? While it’s a personal decision to take the tests, sometimes not taking them and not submitting scores may disqualify you for scholarships later. Thus it’s best to prepare as much as possible, in order to do well.